Facebook scammers are using the Casey Anthony social media hype to hijack Facebook accounts, PC World reports. Facebook and twitter users are taking to social media like wildfire to voice their outrage (or agreement) with the Casey Anthony verdict. If you’re you are one of the millions of Internet users who’ve signed onto Facebook over the past week, you’ve undoubtedly experienced (or participated in) this heated debate. However, be warned that Facebook scammers are using this hype to hijack Facebook accounts:
If you happen to see a message on Facebook proclaiming “BREAKING NEWS–Leaked Video of Casey Anthony CONFESSING to Lawyer!”, don’t believe the hype. Please. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
If you make the mistake of clicking on the link, you will see an “Age verification” confirmation box that reads “Are you older than 13 years of age? Click “Jaa” button 2x to confirm and play video.” The word “Jaa” is actually Finnish for “Share”, and when you click the button you are granting permission for the malware to be shared with your Facebook network.
If you are persistent (or oblivious) enough to push on, you will eventually come to a page that appears to be YouTube, but alas there is no such video. Instead, you will be presented with yet another online survey scam that generates traffic and revenue for the attackers.
Attackers expect you to let your guard down because the links are allegedly coming from your social network.
PC World warns that you should think “twice, or even three times” before clicking on Casey Anthony related video postings. The same goes true for other user generated content that purportedly comes from your Facebook account. You never know what Internet scammers may think of next.
CEO & Founder of Social Media Law & Order
Ethan teaches social media CLE programs to lawyers, law firms, and legal associations. He can design a one hour, half day, or full day workshop at your office, firm retreat, or conference that will be approved for both ethics and general CLE credit. Learn more about how Ethan can be your social media law keynote speaker at your next conference on topics related to social media and the law.