
    Social Media Marketing for Lawyers: Turn Your Photos into Leads

    December 5, 2019

    A picture is worth a thousand words, but will they get you results when it comes to social media marketing for lawyers? That’s the key. While there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to creating a photo content strategy for your law firm, there’s a few keys to incorporate: 1. Commission high-quality photographs of your attorneys. Before executing […]


    Social Media Marketing for Lawyers Requires Quality Content

    November 5, 2019

    Social media marketing for lawyers is more than just having a profile and updating your bio. You need to have online presence that communicate your experience, brand, and attracts prospective clients and referrals. What will draw them to you is quality content that gets their attention. As much as you’d like your friends and colleagues […]


    Social Media Marketing for Lawyers: Planning Your Content

    October 5, 2019

    Whether or not social media marketing for lawyers will be successful comes down to content. If you spend a ton of money on advertising, but have crappy content, you won’t attract new clients. If you have a zillion followers, but crummy content, you won’t attract clients. If you know someone marketing wizard who can promise […]


    Social Media Marketing for Lawyers: Prepare the Foundation for Success

    September 5, 2019

    Having a law firm social media marketing plan is a good first step toward attracting new clients, but to develop a successful campaign, you must then lay a strong foundation. In other words, after the plan comes preparation. This should make sense, but if you’re the type that’s ready to dive in headfirst – consider […]


    Engaging Online with Social Media Marketing for Lawyers

    August 22, 2019

    Every social media platform is different. Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter feature different interfaces, messaging systems, and methods of connecting with potential clients. I simply view them as tools to accomplish a particular objective. When you’re making a plan for social media marketing for law firms, the key is to determine which tools best enable you […]


    Maximize social media marketing for law firms with the right people

    July 22, 2019

    The Beatles sang about getting by with a little help from friends. In this day and age, you can make friends with almost anyone through the power of social media marketing for attorneys. You also need a few friends to help you look good on social media. When it seems as if social media marketing […]


    Using social media marketing for law firms to put your firm on the map

    June 22, 2019

    Content is still king. Instagram makes it seems as if a picture is worth a thousand words, but content that focuses on social media marketing for lawyers must convey your skill at communication. You can balance images and words, but it takes some finesse. If you’re an experienced writer, create a few articles for your […]


    Make Your Presence Known: Social media marketing for law firms

    May 22, 2019

    Explore social media marketing for lawyers with a top expert who makes it easy.   Before launching a website or selecting the social media platform you want to use, you MUST figure out who your ideal client is. Why? You don’t throw a bowl of spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks. Targeting your […]


    How to Grow Your Practice and Career with Social Media Marketing for Attorneys

    April 17, 2019

    Social media can present a conundrum for many attorneys. While it can be a useful tool, some lawyers are hesitant to use social media marketing for law firms because, with ever-changing rules and legal regulations, deciding what to post and how to remain within the legal advertising ethics rules can be overwhelming and confusing.   […]


    What Content Works for Social Media Marketing for Law Firms?

    April 9, 2019

    As an attorney, understanding social media marketing for law firms is more than important – it’s a critical tool you can use to keep your practice top of mind with your friends and colleagues. But simply having a profile won’t do the trick. The real secret is to carefully curate your content so that it’s […]