You know that guy or gal who is all too happy to meet you at a networking cocktail hour? You know the one, within seconds of meeting you they’re telling you all about their business, handing you their card, and asking when you can do lunch. This type of “in your face” interaction is not an effective marketing strategy in person, and is equally ineffective (and annoying) online. Might you or someone you know be one of these networkers? Never fear, a solution is here.
Nicole Black and Carolyn Elefant, authors of Social Media for Lawyers: The Next Frontier, offer their 50/30/10/10 rule for effective networking through Twitter. The “rule” serves as a nice guideline of how to use social media as a professional tool with a personal spin, without being too much of “in your face” advertiser.
- Nicole Black’s: 50-30-10-10 Twitter Rule (for your content):
o 50% should Provide Llinks, articles, other blog content, and “retweets” of interest
o 30% should Reply to other users (interaction)
o 10% of Self-promotion, including firm accomplishments, and links to your blog
o 10% of Personal Stuff about your personal interests
Applying these guidelines presents an effective mix of sharing professional information your followers will enjoy, with an appropriate amount of commentary about your practice, accomplishments, and personal life. And don’t be afraid to put your personal spin in your online networking. Remember, clients hire professionals they know, like, and trust. It’s totally acceptable to use social media as a professional networking tool while interspersing personal tid-bits about yourself. I’ve applied this rule on Twitter, and can vouch for its results. And hopefully, you don’t consider me an “in your face” marketer!
CEO & Founder of Social Media Law & Order
Ethan teaches social media CLE programs to lawyers, law firms, and legal associations. He can design a one hour, half day, or full day workshop at your office, firm retreat, or conference that will be approved for both ethics and general CLE credit. Learn more about how Ethan can be your social media law keynote speaker at your next conference on topics related to social media and the law.